Saturday, February 22, 2020

Chicago Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chicago - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the theory of the central places has been criticized for unreality. Static theory, not taking into account the temporal aspect in the development of the central places was also criticized. Furthermore, the theory is well illustrated in practice, when it comes to agricultural areas, but not for industrial or post-industrial areas due to the diverse nature of the various services and the distribution of a variety of natural resources in them. Numerical studies of the evolutionary model, which are based on the ideas of Christaller showed that symmetrical distribution is unstable. Small fluctuations are enough in order to areas with a high concentration of activity appear and cause an outflow of population and reduction of activity in other zones.This essay highlights that  the theory of production location (the theory of location) studies placing of productive forces as the allocation process on the territory of objects and phenomena; it is included in the subject of the regional economy. The location theory describes the geographical placement of the economic activity; it has become an integral part of economic geography, regional economics and spatial economy. The theory examines which economic activity is located there, where and why. The theory is based on the whole accommodation on microeconomics, on the assumption that agents act in their own interests.

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